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Shannon Anthea

Mixed Media Digital Artist, London

Shannon's artistic journey is a fusion of photography, collage, and digital illustration, capturing the essence of diverse landscapes and objects from around the world and transforming them into surreal, thought-provoking pieces that explore the depths of psychological and philosophical concepts. Her creations serve as a gateway to an alternate reality, beckoning viewers to step into an enigmatic realm. Each of her pieces embarks on a voyage of self-discovery, challenging the observer to reevaluate their own perceptions of the world and delve into the labyrinth of their psyche. With a Master's degree in Psychology, Shannon's fervor lies in inspiring individuals through her work to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Her work challenges observers to reevaluate their perceptions of the world and venture deep into the labyrinth of their psyche. Through her art, she extends an open invitation to explore uncharted territories of the unknown, question established norms, uncover profound insights, and set out on a quest to 'explore the state of being.' Her aspiration is to kindle a fresh perspective on the world, inspiring individuals to lead a more meaningful and enriching life. Shannon uses dreamy, pastel colours to transport viewers into a dreamlike state where they can take a moment to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the beauty of the world around them and within, while also encouraging them to ponder the bigger questions that shape our understanding of the human experience. Viewers are led into a serene wonderland of mystery and transcendence, where the lines between reality and fantasy blur, and the mind is free to wander and explore.

Digital Artist, London

As an artist, Shannon delves into the realm of dreamy worlds, utilising the techniques of surrealism and minimalism to create thought-provoking pieces that explore the depths of psychological and philosophical concepts. Through her art, Shannon invites viewers to take a moment to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the beauty of the world around them, while also encouraging them to ponder the bigger questions that shape our understanding of the human experience. Viewers are led into a serene wonderland of mystery and transcendence, where the lines between reality and fantasy blur, and the mind is free to wander and explore.
With a masterful use of colour, composition, and form, Shannon creates works that are both visually striking and emotionally evocative. Her use of dreamlike imagery and surreal elements invites the viewer to enter into a different realm, and through the use of minimalism, Shannon distills complex ideas and emotions into simple, yet powerful forms, inviting the viewer to contemplate the deeper meaning behind her work. Each piece is a journey of self-discovery, encouraging the viewer to question their own perceptions of the world and to explore the inner workings of their mind. Shannon is an artist who pushes the boundaries of traditional art forms, creating works that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also thought-provoking. Her art is an invitation to explore the realm of the unknown, to question the status quo, to seek out deeper understanding and to 'explore the state of being'. Shannon invites her audience to delve deeper into their own selves and the world around them, hoping to inspire people to see the world in a new light and to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
'I turn to my art as a therapeutic escape, a sanctuary from the stress and turmoil of daily life. My creations serve as a constant reminder to myself, to always remain curious and appreciate the beauty and mystery that surrounds me. 

 With each piece, I aim to transport viewers to a peaceful, introspective world of boundless curiousity, where they can take a moment to breathe, reflect, and delve deeper into their own thoughts and emotions. Through my art, I hope to instill a sense of tranquility, inspiring self-reflection and exploration of the mind, and world.'
Co-founders of Ashon Anthea 
Shannon Anthea