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Hierarchy of Needs


Mixed Media, Photography and Digital Illustration

Printed on Fine Art Paper. 

~ 100 Limited Edition Pieces ~

An exploration of the human condition, inspired by the ideas presented in Viktor Frankl's seminal work, "Man's Search for Meaning." In this piece Shannon explores the theme of the Hierarchy of Needs and the importance of purpose in fulfilling our needs as human beings. Shannon delves into the idea of a hierarchy of needs that transcends mere survival, and instead posits that true fulfilment comes from uncovering one's purpose in life. The concept of actualisation, as a key component of this hierarchy, is poetically rendered as a journey of discovery, where the mind and soul are freed from the constraints of societal norms and traditional concepts of history. The imagery of "steppingstones to the universe's deepest mystery" and the idea of our souls "orbiting beneath the stars and moon" imbue the poem with a sense of cosmic transcendence, further emphasising the idea that our purpose in life is not limited to the physical realm.

"At the cenre of it all, life holds something more at its core, A hierarchy of needs transcending simply existing without worth,
Rooted in the journey humanity is tasked to endure, To find our destiny during our path along this earth.
Confined in an expanse of beauty and mysteries unknown, There is an ultimatum every man must choose,To be trapped by your physical and mental desires alone? Or will you shatter the paradigm and expose its ruse?
The latter is where truth finds its way into the mind’s room, Creating steppingstones to the universe’s deepest mystery, A mirage of our souls orbiting beneath the stars and moon, Brainwashed by the concepts long taught through the course of history.
The existence of life doesn’t end at the body and mind, But is meant to live with meaning as one of God’s creations, We’re creative beings whose destination appears in time, If in the hierarchy of needs, purpose is key to self-actualisation."