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Human Quality of Emotion

2022, Digital Illustration & Photography

Printed on Fine Art Paper.

~ 100 Limited Edition Prints ~

In Human Quality of Emotion the artist delves into the intricacies of human emotion through a reflective journey. Submerged in a bath, the narrator's thoughts drift to larger existential questions, guided by the whispers of the Earth. They witness the transformative power of emotions, symbolised by tears that nourish the world.

Looking at the fragility of empathy in a world governed by bureaucracy, questioning our true connection to pressing issues like climate change. Advocating for a return to fundamental values, urging viewers to nurture the Earth, Body, and Mind with compassion.

Human Quality of Emotion serves as a poignant reminder of our interconnectedness and the importance of empathy in shaping our collective future.

"Submerged in the comforts of a bath
my mind begins to wander
To matters much larger than me
and suddenly as I ponder
I find myself transported, feet swinging off the Earth’s ledge
I listen carefully to her whispers
Her feelings pouring off the edge.

I see that her tears flood the oceans
the excess makes the streams and lakes flourish
I gawk at how these emotions
Have the ability to nourish.

She tells me that empathy is fragile
and she sees the diminishing sense of awe.
The raw beauty of nature
is absent in our policies and law
There is no room for
passion or grief in statistics
We cannot truly embody our hearts
in numbers or logistics.

She questions what we actually feel when we discuss the rate of climate change
Is it just another formality?
Or is it possible to connect to this unjust exchange?

I ask her what she needs from us
And she told me very clearly
You have three homes in life
And you must hold them very dearly
Earth, Body and Mind
All must be cultivated
For them to continue to provide.

And remember, to do all things with compassion
For love will always return back to you
Let kindness and consideration
Become the new point of view."